WarpIcon component & localization
Warp Android release 0.0.34
WarpIcon component
WarpIcon now available in Warp android! This component provides the icon including content descriptions for all brands. Can be created from an identifier string or a WarpIconResource
fun WarpIcon(
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
icon: WarpIconResource,
size: Dp = dimensions.icon.default,
color: Color = colors.icon.default,
fun WarpIcon(
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
identifier: String,
size: Dp = dimensions.icon.default,
color: Color = colors.icon.default,
Simple usage:
WarpIcon(identifier = "sofa", color = colors.icon.secondary)
WarpTextField fix
Kudos to Ali Shariat for making a fix for WarpTextField again. This time the correct vertical padding for the label.
WarpButton fix - accepts @Composable icons
WarpButton can now accept a WarpIcon component. In cases where a WarpIcon cannot be used and a drawable id is supplied, there is a possibility to use a iconModifier to modify the size or padding of the icon.
onClick = { /*TODO*/ },
style = WarpButtonStyle.Secondary,
text = "With Warp icon",
leadingIcon = { WarpIcon(icon = icons.clock, size = dimensions.icon.small) }
onClick = { },
style = WarpButtonStyle.Primary,
text = "Drawable icon",
trailingIcon = com.schibsted.nmp.warp.R.drawable.bulldozer,
trailingIconContentDescr = com.schibsted.nmp.warp.R.string.bulldozer,
iconModifier = Modifier.size(dimensions.icon.large)