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Stable releases with DBA changes for web are now available.

How to Update Your Web Apps for DBA

Packages to Install from NPM

Package NameVersion

If you have already followed the previous instructions for the DBA beta changes and have disabled EIK import mapping for react, vue & elements, you can now enable it the following way:

Import mapping

  • Elements

Be sure to include the Lit import map first.

	"name": "my-app",
	"version": "1.0.0",
	"server": "",
	"import-map": [
  • Vue

Be sure to include the Vue import map first.

	"name": "my-app",
	"version": "1.0.0",
	"server": "",
	"import-map": [
  • React

Be sure to include the React import map first.

	"name": "my-app",
	"version": "1.0.0",
	"server": "",
	"import-map": [

While we no longer officially support React v17, in order to buy yourself time to migrate to React v18, you can add the Warp legacy map for interrim support. When React v19 is released, React v17 support will be dropped entirely. Map order is important.

	"name": "my-app",
	"version": "1.0.0",
	"server": "",
	"import-map": [

For further instructions on how to migrate from v1 to v2, please follow these instructions.

Breaking changes

@warp-ds/react 2.0.1

Changelog for @warp-ds/react 2.0.1

Changelog for @warp-ds/react 2.0.0

The following properties have been removed:

Badgevariant notificationRemoved

@warp-ds/vue 2.1.1

Changelog for @warp-ds/vue 2.1.1

Changelog for @warp-ds/vue 2.1.0

The following properties/components have been removed:

Badgevariant notificationRemoved
SuffixEntire component has been removed - use Affix instead
TagEntire component has been removed - use Badge instead

@warp-ds/elements 2.0.1

Changelog for @warp-ds/elements 2.0.1

Changelog for @warp-ds/elements 2.0.0

The following properties have been removed:

Badgevariant notificationRemoved

@warp-ds/css 2.0.0


The following exported objects/classes have either been removed or renamed:

Important Note

If you are using the Warp components correctly, then you should not be affected by the following changes.

Exported objectClass name(s)Note
alertalertRenamed to wrapper
backwardsCompatibleClassesEntire exported object has been removed
badgeborderedClickable, infoClickable, neutralClickable, notificationRemoved
boxboxRenamed to base
cardcard, cardShadow, cardSelected, cardOutline, cardUnselected, cardOutlineUnselected, cardOutlineSelected, cardFlat, cardFlatUnselected, cardFlatSelectedRemoved; cardUnselected
Renamed: card --> base, cardShadow --> shadow, cardSelected --> selected, cardOutline --> outline, cardOutlineUnselected --> outlineUnselected, cardOutlineSelected --> outlineSelected, cardFlat --> flat, cardFlatUnselected --> flatUnselected, cardFlatSelected --> flatSelected
comboboxcomboboxRenamed to base,
expandableexpandable, expandableTitle, expandableBox, expandableBleed, expandableInfo, chevronBox, elementsTransformChevronDownPart, elementsChevronDownExpandPart, elementsTransformChevronUpPart, elementsChevronUpCollapsePart, paddingTopRemoved: expandableTitle, expandableInfo, chevronBox,
Renamed: expandable --> wrapper, expandableBox --> box, expandableBleed --> bleed, elementsTransformChevronDownPart --> elementsChevronDownTransform, elementsChevronDownExpandPart --> elementsChevronExpand, elementsTransformChevronUpPart --> elementsChevronUpTransform, elementsChevronUpCollapsePart --> elementsChevronCollapse, paddingTop --> contentWithTitle
helpTexthelpText, helpTextColor, helpTextColorInvald, helpTextValid, helpTextInvalidRemoved: helpTextValid, helpTextInvalid
Renamed: helpText --> base, helpTextColor --> color, helpTextColorInvald --> colorInvalid
labellabel, labelInvalidRemoved: labelInvalid, Renamed: label --> base
modalmodal, transparentBgRemoved: transparentBg
Renamed: modal --> base
pillpillRenamed to wrapper
ribbonEntire exported object has been removed and replaced by badge
stepstep, stepVertical, stepVerticalLeft, stepVerticalRight, stepHorizontal, stepDot, stepDotVerticalRight, stepDotHorizontal, stepDotActive, stepDotIncomplete, stepLine, stepLineVertical, stepLineVerticalRight, stepLineHorizontal, stepLineHorizontalRight, stepLineHorizontalLeft, stepLineIncomplete, stepLineCompleteRenamed: step --> base, stepVertical --> vertical, stepVerticalLeft --> alignLeft, stepVerticalRight --> alignRight, stepHorizontal --> horizontal, stepDot --> dot, stepDotVerticalRight --> dotAlignRight, stepDotHorizontal --> dotHorizontal, stepDotActive --> dotActive, stepDotIncomplete --> dotIncomplete, stepLine --> line, stepLineVertical --> lineVertical, stepLineVerticalRight --> lineAlignRight, stepLineHorizontal --> lineHorizontal, stepLineHorizontalRight --> lineHorizontalAlignRight, stepLineHorizontalLeft --> lineHorizontalAlignLeft, stepLineIncomplete --> lineIncomplete, stepLineComplete --> lineComplete
stepssteps, stepsHorizontalRenamed: steps --> wrapper, stepsHorizontal --> horizontal
switchTogglelabel, labelDisabled, switchRemoved: switch
Renamed: label --> base, labelDisabled --> disabled
tabstabContainer, wunderbar, wrapperUnderlinedRemoved: wrapperUnderlined
tabContainer --> wrapper, wunderbar --> selectionIndicator
tabtab, tabActive, iconUnderlinedActive, contentUnderlinedActiveRemoved: inconUnderlinedActive, contentUnderlinedActive
Renamed: tab --> base, tabActive --> active
toasttoast, iconRenamed: toast --> base,
icon --> iconBase
toastercontainer, toasterRenamed: container --> wrapper, toaster --> base

@warp-ds/uno 2.0.0


Important Note

From 2.0.0 @warp-ds/uno expects the newest v2 tokens to be in place

The following rules have been changed/removed:

focus-ringvar(--w-s-color-focused)Removed deprecated fallback
internalEntire rule has been removed
sliderEntire rule has been removed and replaced with arbitrary box-shadow (shadow-[--token]) to handle theming