Card is an interactive layout component to display information.
Design Guidelines
See Figma: Warp - Components / Card
Feel free to ask any questions on usage in the Warp DS Slack channel: #smp-warp-design-system
You can import the component like so:
import { Card } from '@warp-ds/react';
or import it individually to optimize your JS bundle size by adding only the components you need:
import { Card } from '@warp-ds/react/components/card'
Required props
name | type | default | notes |
children | Element | The contents of the Card |
Optional Props
name | type | default | notes |
className | string | Add your own custom styles to the container element | |
as | string | div | The wrapping container element |
selected | boolean | If the card is selected | |
flat | boolean | Removes box shadow around card |
DeadToggle props
Optional Props
name | type | default | notes |
radio | boolean | Passes radio type to the underlying toggle | |
checkbox | boolean | Passes checkbox type to the underlying toggle | |
value | string | Value for the input | |
checked | boolean | Whether the toggle is checked | |
className | string | Additional classnames to the toggle wrapper | |
labelClassName | string | Additional classnames to the toggle label |
The <Card>
component takes any set of JSX elements as its children.
<Card className="full-width">
<article className="p-16">
<img className="h-128 w-full object-cover" src="#" alt="Description">
<Clickable href="#" title="title">
Stilfull og gjennomgående 3-roms m/balkong. Oppusset i 2019. Inkl. bl.a.
Selecting cards
You can mark a Card as selected by passing the selected
property. This will add an outline to indicate the selected state.
Try clicking one of the cards below and watch them all get selected at once.
function Example() {
const [selected, setSelected] = React.useState(false);
return (
<div className="space-y-32 md:space-y-0 md:grid grid-cols-3 gap-32">
<Card selected={selected} className="full-width">
<article className="p-16">
<img className="h-128 w-full object-cover" src="#" alt="Description">
<Clickable checkbox onClick={() => setSelected(!selected)} className="text-left">
Option 1
<Card selected={selected} className="full-width">
<article className="p-16">
<img className="h-128 w-full object-cover" src="#" alt="Description">
<Clickable checkbox onClick={() => setSelected(!selected)} className="text-left">
Option 2
Anchor Cards
Keep in mind that if you wish to make the Card a clickable anchor card, you must add a article as the very first element with the attribute aria-owns set to the id of the title element. In this example we set it to the id of title and assign the h3 this id.
You should follow these semantics, but styling is up to you.
<article aria-owns="title">
<h3 id="title">
<Clickable href="..." title="content">
Toggles inside of Cards
Using Toggles(Radios or Checkboxes) inside of cards has the limitation of only being able to pass forward a label. If you wish to further enhance the look and feel of these you must use the DeadToggle helper component, which we cover a bit further down.
function Example() {
const [checked, setChecked] = React.useState(false);
const [selected, setSelected] = React.useState('');
return (
<Card selected={checked} className="mt-32 w-max p-24 flex items-center">
<DeadToggle checkbox checked={checked} className="-mt-8" />
onClick={() => setChecked(!checked)}
Checkbox in a card
<div className="flex gap-32 mt-32">
<Card selected={selected === 'a'} className="p-24 flex items-center">
<DeadToggle radio checked={selected === 'a'} className="-mt-8" />
onClick={() => setSelected('a')}
Radio in a card - A
<Card selected={selected === 'b'} className="p-24 flex items-center">
<DeadToggle radio checked={selected === 'b'} className="-mt-8" />
onClick={() => setSelected('b')}
Radio in a card - B
Using the DeadToggle and Clickable helper component
First we must import the necessary helper components:
import { Clickable, DeadToggle } from '@warp-ds/react';
By using the DeadToggle and Clickable helper components, we can utilize the UI of the Toggle, whilst being able to style the card however we want.
function Example() {
const [selected, setSelected] = React.useState('');
return (
<div className="flex">
className="py-12 px-16 w-max flex items-center"
selected={selected === 'a'}
<DeadToggle radio checked={selected === 'a'} className="-mt-6" />
<div className="ml-16">
<h4 className="mb-0">
<Clickable radio name="purchase" onClick={() => setSelected('a')}>
Purchase foo
<p className="mb-0 text-14">520 kr/mnd</p>
className="py-12 px-16 w-max ml-20 flex items-center"
selected={selected === 'b'}
<DeadToggle radio checked={selected === 'b'} className="-mt-6" />
<div className="ml-16">
<h4 className="mb-0">
<Clickable radio name="purchase" onClick={() => setSelected('b')}>
Purchase bar
<p className="mb-0 text-14">124 kr/mnd</p>
Note the className="-mb-4"
on the Toggle component. This removes the margin-bottom
that follows the component.