Warp's icon set is designed to help users understand actions and information, and to draw attention to elements.
Warp icon library contains of ~300 icons in sizes 16px, 24px and 32px. It's based on the Streamline icon library with more than 17.000 icons.
releasedNeed new icons?
If you need a new icon or adjustments to an existing one, please make a request in #smp-warp-design-system in Slack.
Typescript support
Starting from @warp-ds/icons@1.3.0
, we are fully typescript compliant. You'll need to switch to module & moduleResolution as NodeNext
. You can read more about it here.
Since warp components are internationalised, you'd need to either set NMP_LANGUAGE
for server-side rendering of the component, or set html document lang with a two-letter-code, eg: <html lang="en">
. The server-side variable is read as process.env.NMP_LANGUAGE
so you could either define this in your package.json
script, or use .env
files to leverage dotenv.
Feel free to ask any questions on usage in the Warp DS Slack channel: #smp-warp-design-system
The following icons are available in the latest version of @warp-ds/icons
package. Check the Deprecated icons section if you're migrating from previous major versions or from @fabric-ds/icons
Click any icon to open usage modal.
Import React icons individually to optimize your JS bundle size by adding only the icons you need:
import IconBag16 from '@warp-ds/icons/react/bag-16';
Don't import icons directly from the @warp-ds/icons/react
package, since this will add every Warp icon, and bloat your bundle.
<IconBag16 />
Check out exact imports in the Examples section.
The color of the icon will default to currentColor
. Colors can be changed using semantic color classes for icons.
Deprecated icons
In @warp-ds/icons v2.0.0
some icons were renamed or deleted as they had similarly looking equivalents. Below you can find a list of icons and their respective replacements.
Old icon | New icon |
AlertWarning | Warning |
AlertError | Error |
AlertSuccess | Success |
AlertInfo | Info |
BankId | BankIdNo |
BankIdent | CheckShield |
Car42 | Minivan |
Favorite | Heart |
File | FileAdd |
Honk42 | HonkLight |
Market | Sofa |
Nettbil42 | NettbilLight |
RatingEmpty | StarEmpty |
RatingFull | StarFull |
RatingHalf | StarHalf |
Paw16 | AnimalPaw |
Paw24 | AnimalPaw |
Paw32 | AnimalPaw |
PhoneNew | Phone |
TableSortUp | ArrowUp |
TableSortDown | ArrowDown |
TorgetBrowser | Browser |
TorgetDelivery | Delivery |
TorgetHeadset | Headset |
TorgetLamp | Lamp |
TorgetShipping | Shipping |
TorgetUsers | UserGroup |
TorgetVerified | Verified |
TorgetShopping | ShoppingCart |
TorgetMixer | Mixer |
Triangle | Warning |
TableInfo | Info |