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WARP in Figma

Introduction to the WARP Design System workspace.

WARP Design System

These files contain all files and libraries for you to get started with designing for Schibsted Marketplaces.

Overview of design system file structure in Figma for designers

01. Get started

Guidance and onboarding to the WARP design system.

Start here: content here is already migrated to this page. This file will be removed soon.

Auto-layout Guidelines: learning resource for working with auto-layout.

Figma for Dummies: learning resource for using Figma.

Figma Dev Mode: learning resource for Figma's dev mode.

Overview of the "Get started" project in Figma for designers

02. Documentation

Component overview: component documentation. The content in here will be migrated from Figma to this page.

DataViz Guidelines (Beta): guidelines for data visualization.

Overview of the "Documentation" project in Figma for designers

03. Libraries

WARP - Components: contains all tokens and themable components used for Schibsted Marketplaces.

WARP - Icons: icon library containing all supported icons.

WARP - DataViz (Beta): library with data visualization colours and components.

WARP - Design Tools: standardised design elements that you can use in presentations, mockups, or to help organise things in your Figma files.

Overview of the "Libraries" project in Figma for designers

04. Examples

  1. Example pages: generic web/app designs showing brand specific tokens in play. You can use this to understand how tokens are used.

Overview of the "Examples" project in Figma for designers


To speed up your multi-brand design flow, we've enabled the component and icon library whenever a new file is created within the Nordic Marketplaces organisation.

Figma library overview with 2 added WARP libraries "WARP - Components 2.0" and "WARP - Icons"

How to add libraries

A quick guide in case you need more libraries.

1 Open libraries

Go to your desired design file and open libraries.

Mac: ⌥option + ⌘command + O
Win: ctrl + alt + O

Figma dropdown highlighting the option "libraries"

2 Search and enable

Search for the desired library and select "Add to file".

Figma dropdown highlighting the option "libraries"

Removing other libraries

You might want to consider disabling other libraries to not accidentally pick any non-WARP components. All WARP libraries are marked with the "Warp"-prefix.