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Get started for iOS developers

This page describes how to get started building an application with Warp components.

If you have any questions or need clarification, please don't hesitate to reach out to the Warp team on the #smp-warp-design-system channel on Slack!

1. Integrate Warp

A guide on how to integrate Warp into your project.

Swift Package Manager

You can use the url for Warp on Xcode default package manager or use it like below in your Package.swift file:

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "")

You can use a specific branch or version, but we suggest using our latest version like this to avoid conflict between dependencies:

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "", "0.0.1"..."999.0.0")

2. Apply theme

To start using Warp you must first initialize the theme depending on the selected target of the project.

Warp.Config.warpTheme = .tori

Right now we support .finn, .tori and .dba with .finn as the default one.

3. Use Warp components

Use the Warp components just like any other SwiftUI or UIKit view. The selected target will give it the correct colors and styling.

    for: .primary,
    title: "button",
    icon: Image(systemName: "plus"),
    action: {}

4. Use Warp tokens

We hightly recommend using Warp.Token.SOME_TOKEN to specify a color. To get you started tokens will start with one of the following categories: SurfaceBackgroundBorderIconText

Avoid using the colors directly since they can be brand specific.

    style: .caption,
    color: Warp.Token.textSubtle

Still using UIKit? We got you covered with Warp.UIToken.

private lazy var myView: UIView = {
    let view = UIView(withAutoLayout: true)
    view.backgroundColor = Warp.UIToken.background
    return view

Legacy support

All Warp components will provide a bridge to be able to use with legacy code. Check each component's documentations for more information.