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Lines & Points (dataviz) ​

For implementation, see Tokens & CSS > Line.

Lines ​

A line chart in which a blue line is annotated with 'line'

  • Use the Line colors for lines.
  • Lines should have a width of minimum 3 px to ensure sufficient contrast against the background
  • Straight lines are usually better than smooth curves, as curves can be misinterpreted as representing data values or trends that are not present in the data
  • Consider adding dashed stroke for lines when you include lines of different colors. Dashed lines appear less important than solid lines, and are therefore well suited for secondary information
  • Adding points along lines can help users understand where the actual data points are placed, and that the line is simply a interpolation between points.

Points ​

  • Use the Line colors for points. Points are often combined with lines in a chart, and therefore we use the same color for lines and points
  • To use the Line color on points in Figma, the points need to have a stroke (like a donut 🍩). If you don’t want a donut with space in the middle, make the stroke thicker
  • Points (or lines around points) should have a width of minimum 3 px to ensure sufficient contrast against the background.

'Donut' points ​

If you go for the donut variant of points, use either ChartBackground/Default or a Background Subtle as the fill color.

Line chart in which the stroke of a point is annotated with 'Line', the inside of a point is annotated with 'ChartBackground Default', the inside of another point annotated with 'Background Subtle'

An advantage of using Background Subtle is that it becomes logical to use Background Subtle-Highlight when interacting with the points.

Line dashes and point shapes ​

Line dashes can make it easier to distinguish between categories, benefiting people with color deficiencies as well as those printing in gray scale. For example, it makes sense to use a solid stroke style for the primary line using the Primary color, and dashes for the secondary line using the secondary color.

For points, consider using different point shapes for each category. However, using many different point shapes can make the graph appear disorienting and chaotic, and thereby work against its intended purpose. One acceptable solution is to show point shapes on interaction, like hover and focus. Different dataviz libraries might have specific options for point shapes, so it might be useful to consider the technical possibilities before choosing shapes.

Color tokens ​

Line colors (dataviz) ​

Stroke color for lines and points.

NameLight/Dark modeDescription
Line/Primaryblue linesBlue – if you only need one line
Line/Secondarygray linesGray – for a secondary line
Line/Category1indigo linesIndigo - lines representing category 1
Line/Category2yellow linesYellow - lines representing category 2
Line/Category3pink linesPink - lines representing category 3
Line/Category4green linesGreen - lines representing category 4
Line/Category5orange linesOrange - lines representing category 5
Line/Category6teal linesTeal - lines representing category 6
Line/Category7blue linesBlue - lines representing category 7
Line/Category8gray linesGray - lines representing category 8
Line/Positivegreen linesGray - lines representing something positive
Line/Warningyellow linesWarning - lines representing something worrisome
Line/Negativered linesRed - lines representing something negative
Line/Neutralgray linesGray - lines representing something neutral

Background colors (dataviz) ​

For use inside 'donut' points.

NameLight/Dark modeDescription
ChartBackground/Defaultwhite and black boxesWhite/Black background
Background/Primary-Subtleblue boxesBlue – if you only need one color
Background/Secondary-Subtlegray boxesGray – for a secondary color
Background/Category1-Subtleindigo boxesIndigo - representing category 1
Background/Category2-Subtleyellow boxesYellow - representing category 2
Background/Category3-Subtlepink boxesPink - representing category 3
Background/Category4-Subtlegreen boxesGreen - representing category 4
Background/Category5-Subtleorange boxesOrange - representing category 5
Background/Category6-Subtleteal boxesTeal - representing category 6
Background/Category7-Subtleblue boxesBlue - representing category 7
Background/Category8-Subtlegray boxesGray - representing category 8
Background/Positive-Subtlegreen boxesGray - representing something positive
Background/Warning-Subtleyellow boxesWarning - representing something worrisome
Background/Negative-Subtlered boxesRed - representing something negative
Background/Neutral-Subtlegray boxesGray - representing something neutral