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Text & Icons (dataviz)

For implementation, see Tokens & CSS > Text or Icon.


In general, use ChartText (black/gray/white) color for numbers and labels.

However, the Text data colors can be relevant to use in two situations:

  • Text labels. Color can be used on labels, matching the color of the visual data element (such as a line or a bar)
  • Data values. Color can be used on data values.

Two bars with text labels, in indigo and pink, annotated with 'text labels'. Two number, in green and red, annotated with 'data values'

Only use color on text if it makes it easier to visually connect the text to the data marks, or interpret values. Otherwise, use the default text color. See Chart colors.

Use Body Strong font style or larger with Text to ensure good contrast.


In general, use WARP colors on icons in the interface.

However, the dataviz icon colors can be relevant in two situations:

  • Indicate trend. Place an icon next to a value to help users understand if the value is trending up or down. Use Evaluation colors to reinforce the message of the icon.
  • Label values. Use an icon to label the data, possibly in combination with text labels. Using the same color on the icon and the text can help users visually connect the label to the data.

Only use color on icons if it makes it easier to visually connect the text to the data marks, or interpret values. Otherwise, use the default icon color.

The icon colors are the same as the text colors, to make them work well together and have good contrast against the background.

Left: blue icon with arrow pointing up, gray icon with arrow pointing right, red icon with arrow pointing down. Right: happy, neutral and sad face icons colored green, yellow and red

Color tokens

Text color tokens (dataviz)

NameLight/Dark modeDescription
Text/Primaryblue boxesBlue – if you only need one color
Text/Secondarygray boxesGray – for a secondary color
Text/Category1indigo boxesIndigo - representing category 1
Text/Category2yellow boxesYellow - representing category 2
Text/Category3pink boxesPink - representing category 3
Text/Category4green boxesGreen - representing category 4
Text/Category5orange boxesOrange - representing category 5
Text/Category6teal boxesTeal - representing category 6
Text/Category7blue boxesBlue - representing category 7
Text/Category8gray boxesGray - representing category 8
Text/Positivegreen boxesGray - representing something positive
Text/Warningyellow boxesWarning - representing something worrisome
Text/Negativered boxesRed - representing something negative
Text/Neutralgray boxesGray - representing something neutral

Icon color tokens (dataviz)

NameLight/Dark modeDescription
Icon/Primaryblue boxesBlue – if you only need one color
Icon/Secondarygray boxesGray – for a secondary color
Icon/Category1indigo boxesIndigo - representing category 1
Icon/Category2yellow boxesYellow - representing category 2
Icon/Category3pink boxesPink - representing category 3
Icon/Category4green boxesGreen - representing category 4
Icon/Category5orange boxesOrange - representing category 5
Icon/Category6teal boxesTeal - representing category 6
Icon/Category7blue boxesBlue - representing category 7
Icon/Category8gray boxesGray - representing category 8
Icon/Positivegreen boxesGray - representing something positive
Icon/Warningyellow boxesWarning - representing something worrisome
Icon/Negativered boxesRed - representing something negative
Icon/Neutralgray boxesGray - representing something neutral