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Guidelines on UX Writing, font styles and links to our brand fonts.

Astro Portal

Astro is the UX writers guide to create effective, localised, and accessible content across all SMP brands and languages. It covers all the nitty-gritty like how to write date and time in different languages, info for development and strings and much more.

Astro Portal

Slack support

Text spelling "Astro"

Figma: font style scale

The following examples shows an overview of FINN's font style scale in Figma. All brand fonts are handled the same, but you can find an overview in our WARP Component library

Overview of different types font styles

Brand fonts

Our typography have similar naming and use cases, but different font properties within our products and services. You can find our typography setup in Figma: WARP Component library

BilbasenGT Walsheim Pro
BlocketBlocket Sans & Blocket Display
DBAProxima Nova
ToriTori Sans Family