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Font Size

Utilities for controlling the font size of an element.

Quick reference

text-detailfont-size: var(--w-font-size-xs) line-height: var(--w-line-height-xs)
text-captionfont-size: var(--w-font-size-s) line-height: var(--w-line-height-s)
text-bodyfont-size: var(--w-font-size-m) line-height: var(--w-line-height-m)
text-preamblefont-size: var(--w-font-size-ml) line-height: var(--w-line-height-ml)
text-displayfont-size: var(--w-font-size-xxxl) line-height: var(--w-line-height-xxxl)
t6font-weight: 700 font-size: var(--w-font-size-xs) line-height: var(--w-line-height-xs)
t5font-weight: 700 font-size: var(--w-font-size-s) line-height: var(--w-line-height-s)
t4font-weight: 700 font-size: var(--w-font-size-m) line-height: var(--w-line-height-m)
t3font-weight: 700 font-size: var(--w-font-size-l) line-height: var(--w-line-height-l)
t2font-weight: 700 font-size: var(--w-font-size-xl) line-height: var(--w-line-height-xl)
t1font-weight: 700 font-size: var(--w-font-size-xxl) line-height: var(--w-line-height-xxl)
text-xsfont-size: var(--w-font-size-xs) line-height: var(--w-line-height-xs)
text-sfont-size: var(--w-font-size-s) line-height: var(--w-line-height-s)
text-mfont-size: var(--w-font-size-m) line-height: var(--w-line-height-m)
text-mlfont-size: var(--w-font-size-ml) line-height: var(--w-line-height-ml)
text-lfont-size: var(--w-font-size-l) line-height: var(--w-line-height-l)
text-xlfont-size: var(--w-font-size-xl) line-height: var(--w-line-height-xl)
text-xxlfont-size: var(--w-font-size-xxl) line-height: var(--w-line-height-xxl)
text-xxxlfont-size: var(--w-font-size-xxxl) line-height: var(--w-line-height-xxxl)

Basic usage

Setting the font size

Control the font size of an element using the text-{size} utilities. These come with built-in line-heights. Line-heights can be overridden by the .leading-{size} classes, but please only do that as a last resort since that might take them out of the brand theming patterns.


The quick warp scientist


The quick warp scientist


The quick warp scientist


The quick warp scientist


The quick warp scientist


The quick warp scientist


The quick warp scientist


The quick warp scientist

<p class="text-xs ...">The quick warp scientist ...</p>
<p class="text-s ...">The quick warp scientist ...</p>
<p class="text-m ...">The quick warp scientist ...</p>
<p class="text-ml ...">The quick warp scientist ...</p>
<p class="text-l ...">The quick warp scientist ...</p>
<p class="text-xl ...">The quick warp scientist ...</p>
<p class="text-xxl ...">The quick warp scientist ...</p>
<p class="text-xxxl ...">The quick warp scientist ...</p>

Setting the headings

Control the heading sizes using the t1 - t5 utilities. These classes aim to contain all the styling needed for each heading-level per brand.


The heading tags (<h1> - <h5>) should be implemented strictly semantic in a clear tree structure. Use the t1 - t5 classes to give them the correct visual size and appearance.


The process

The quick smart warp scientist ...

The goal

The quick smart warp scientist ...

<h1 class="t3">Warping</h1>
<h2 class="t2">The process</h2>
<p>The quick smart warp scientist ...</p>
<h2 class="t2">The goal</h2>
<p>The quick smart warp scientist ...</p>

Applying conditionally

Breakpoints and media queries

You can also use variant modifiers to target media queries like responsive breakpoints, dark mode, prefers-reduced-motion, and more. For example, use md:text-detail to apply the text-detail utility at only medium screen sizes and above.

<p class="text-body md:text-detail">
  <!-- ... -->

Released under the Apache 2.0 License.