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UnoCSS Overview

UnoCSS is an atomic CSS engine that dynamically generates utility classes based on your HTML and configuration. It's designed to be fast and flexible, supporting a broad set of presets and customization options. UnoCSS works by scanning your templates for class names, and then it generates only the CSS that you actually use, minimizing the final bundle size.

How UnoCSS Works

UnoCSS optimizes CSS generation by scanning HTML files for used class names and compiling a minimal CSS file that includes only the necessary styles. This approach ensures faster load times and improved performance for web applications. It also supports extensive customization through presets and configurations, making it adaptable to various development needs.

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UnoCSS vs. Tailwind CSS

Both UnoCSS and Tailwind CSS are utility-first CSS frameworks, but they approach the concept of atomic CSS differently.


  • Dynamic Generation: UnoCSS generates utility classes on-the-fly as you code. It scans your HTML or component files to detect which utility classes you're using and then generates only those specific CSS rules in your final CSS file. This process happens dynamically, ensuring that your CSS is always as minimal as possible.
  • Highly Customizable: It's highly customizable through presets and configurations, allowing developers to fine-tune the CSS generation to fit their specific needs.

Tailwind CSS

  • Predefined Classes: Unlike UnoCSS, Tailwind CSS comes with a set of predefined utility classes that cover a wide range of styling needs. This extensive list is available from the start, and you use these classes directly in your HTML.
  • Purge for Optimization: To manage file size, Tailwind uses a purging mechanism during the build process, where unused styles are removed based on the content of your HTML files. This is a build-time process, as opposed to UnoCSS's real-time generation.


UnoCSS focuses on real-time, on-demand CSS generation, whereas Tailwind emphasizes a comprehensive utility-first approach with build-time optimization.

Released under the Apache 2.0 License.