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Object Fit

Utilities for controlling how a replaced element's content should be resized.

Quick reference

object-containobject-fit: contain
object-coverobject-fit: cover
object-fillobject-fit: fill
object-noneobject-fit: none
object-scale-downobject-fit: scale-down

Basic usage

Resizing to cover a container

Resize an element’s content to cover its container using .object-cover.

AI generated picture of 1950s scientists working on a warp drive
<div class="aspect-2/1 ...">
  <img class="object-cover ..." src="..." alt="..." />

Containing an element

Resize an element’s content to stay contained within its container using .object-contain.

AI generated picture of 1950s scientists working on a warp drive
<div class="aspect-2/1 ...">
  <img class="object-contain ..." src="..." alt="..." />

Stretching to fit a container

Stretch an element’s content to fit its container using .object-fill.

AI generated picture of 1950s scientists working on a warp drive
<div class="aspect-2/1 ...">
  <img class="object-stretch ..." src="..." alt="..." />

Scaling down if too large

Display an element’s content at its original size but scale it down to fit its container if necessary using .object-scale-down.

AI generated picture of 1950s scientists working on a warp drive
<div class="aspect-2/1 ...">
  <img class="object-scale-down ..." src="..." alt="..." />

Using an element's original size

Display an element’s content at its original size ignoring the container size using .object-none.

AI generated picture of 1950s scientists working on a warp drive
<div class="aspect-2/1 ...">
  <img class="object-none ..." src="..." alt="..." />

Applying conditionally

Breakpoints and media queries

You can also use variant modifiers to target media queries like responsive breakpoints, dark mode, prefers-reduced-motion, and more. For example, use md:object-scale-down to apply the object-scale-down utility at only medium screen sizes and above.

<img class="object-contain md:object-scale-down">

Released under the Apache 2.0 License.