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List Style Position

Utilities for controlling the position of bullets/numbers in lists.

Quick reference

list-insidelist-style-position: inside
list-outsidelist-style-position: outside

Basic usage

Setting the list style position

Control the position of the markers and text indentation in a list using the list-inside and list-outside utilities.


  • 5 cups of coffee with enough caffeine to show how the line breaks
  • 0 cups of tea
  • 0 cups of water


  • 5 cups of coffee with enough caffeine to show how the line breaks
  • 0 cups of tea
  • 0 cups of water
<ul class="list-inside ...">
  <li>5 cups of coffee</li>
  <!-- ... -->
<ul class="list-outside ...">
  <li>5 cups of coffee</li>
  <!-- ... -->

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