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Flexbox & Grid

Grid Auto Rows

Utilities for controlling the size of implicitly-created grid rows.

Quick reference

auto-rows-autogrid-auto-rows: auto
auto-rows-mingrid-auto-rows: min-content
auto-rows-maxgrid-auto-rows: max-content
auto-rows-frgrid-auto-rows: minmax(0, 1fr)

Basic usage

Sizing implicitly-created grid rows

Use the auto-rows-{size} utilities to control the size implicitly-created grid rows.

<div class="grid grid-flow-row auto-rows-max">

Arbitrary values

If you need to use a one-off grid-auto-rows value that doesn't make sense to include in your theme, use square brackets to generate a property on the fly using any arbitrary value.

<div class="grid grid-flow-row auto-rows-[minmax(0,_2fr)]">
  <!-- ... -->

Applying conditionally

Breakpoints and media queries

You can also use variant modifiers to target media queries like responsive breakpoints, dark mode, prefers-reduced-motion, and more. For example, use md:auto-rows-min to apply the auto-rows-min utility at only medium screen sizes and above.

<div class="grid grid-flow-row auto-rows-max md:auto-rows-min">
  <!-- ... -->

Released under the Apache 2.0 License.