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Getting started for designers ​

Hello πŸ‘‹ welcome to Warp! If you are just getting started with designing for Nordic Marketplaces you are in the right place. Warp is the design system for all different marketplaces.

Checklist to get you started ​

  • Install Figma and enable the Warp components library
  • Read up on the brand foundations documentation
  • Familiarize yourself with our components and documentation
  • Read our guidelines for designing with a system


For a more visual introduction, check out the 'Start here' file in Figma.

File in figma with title "Start here"

Figma, Warp component overview & libraries ​

In Nordic Marketplaces we use Figma as the main tool for all our design related tasks. Licenses are provided by e-tech and you will find the Figma application while logging in to Okta. Please see Figma Downloads to get started with the desktop application of your choice.

Warp components overview ​

The work as a designer in Nordic marketplaces comes in various shapes and sizes and therefore we have created an overview for components with things we think you need to get you started.

The overview contains all our components, their variants, existing themes and documentation for usage. We suggest you start exploring the documentation of the Warp components to get familiar with the Warp design system.

Here you can find the Warp Components overview in Figma

Foundations documentation ​

The foundations of Warp are currently based on the Fabric design system and therefore have a FINN flavour. The future plans for the foundations of the system is to create a shared design language within Nordic Marketplaces.

To get you started we have collected links to all the different brand guidelines, read up on the ones that you currently are working with:

Components and usage guidelines ​

As mentioned, we provide detailed usage guidance of all our components in our Warp Components overview in Figma. You can learn a lot about Warp and our design system philosophy by reading and understanding the component documentation.

Relevant guidelines to get you started: ​

Get in contact with the Warp designers ​

If you have any questions about the libraries, our tools or anything Warp related you can always reach out to us on Slack. We are here to help in any way we can. Reach out to us in #nmp-warp-design-system to make sure you get fast attention. Let’s all make sure to pitch in and create a great collaborative design system community.

Released under the Apache 2.0 License.