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List Style Type

Utilities for controlling the bullet/number style of a list.

Quick reference

list-nonelist-style-type: none
list-disclist-style-type: disc
list-decimallist-style-type: decimal
list-checked.list-checked > li { position: relative padding-left: 1.5em } .list-checked > li: : before { content: "" position: absolute left: 0 width: 1em height: 1.2em background: no-repeat 50%/contain var(--w-icon-list-checked) }

Basic usage

Setting the list style type

To create bulleted, checked or numeric lists, use the list-disc, list-checked and list-decimal utilities.

  • An orbit is a regular, repeating path.
  • Orbiting objects, include planets, moons, asteroids, and man-made devices.
  • Objects orbit each other because of gravity.
  • An orbit is a regular, repeating path.
  • Orbiting objects, include planets, moons, asteroids, and man-made devices.
  • Objects orbit each other because of gravity.
  • An orbit is a regular, repeating path.
  • Orbiting objects, include planets, moons, asteroids, and man-made devices.
  • Objects orbit each other because of gravity.
  • An orbit is a regular, repeating path.
  • Orbiting objects, include planets, moons, asteroids, and man-made devices.
  • Objects orbit each other because of gravity.
<ul class="list-disc ...">
  <li>An orbit is ...</li>
  <!-- ... -->
<ul class="list-decimal ...">
  <li>An orbit is ...</li>
  <!-- ... -->
<ul class="list-checked ...">
  <li>An orbit is ...</li>
  <!-- ... -->
<ul class="list-none ...">
  <li>An orbit is ...</li>
  <!-- ... -->

Released under the Apache 2.0 License.